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Master's of Theological Studies

THE 602 One and Triune God (3 credits; 12.8 CEUs)

Cynthia Toolin-Wilson
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THE 602: One and Triune God


Week 1 The Existence of God Part 1

Go to the Dashboard to see if I have added any information that is pertinent! (Please do this during each week of the course until its completion.)

Read the Syllabus.

  • Check the supplementary readings (in the syllabus) for anything you find of interest.
  • Listen to the Syllabus and Course Overview Audios.
  • Work on the Glossary if you find any unfamiliar terms.

Read Ott, Book One: The Unity and Trinity of God, Part I: The Unity of God: His Existence and Nature, Section 1, The Existence of God, Chapter 1: The Natural Knowability of the Existence of God.

Read and watch the content of Lesson 1 in the Week 1 Lesson

Post an introduction of yourself in the Week 1 Discussion Tab named “Introductions”.

  • Work on the Glossary if you find any unfamiliar terms.
  • Work on the Review Questions.
  1. Is it possible to know of God’s existence naturally?

2.                2. Define De fide and anathema. Why are these terms important? 

  1. Itemize and describe the five important points about the natural knowability of God according to Vatican Council I. 
  1. Itemize and describe the categories of testimony from Scripture for the proof of the natural knowability of God. 
  1. Itemize and describe the testimony from Tradition for the proof of the natural knowability of God. Distinguish between the approach of the Eastern and Western Fathers.

6. Describe how Pope Pius X’s Anti-Modernist Oath extended information on the natural knowability of God from that stated in the Vatican Council I document.

7. Itemize and describe four errors against the teaching of the natural knowability of God.

8. Distinguish between the kinds of atheism that Ott itemized.

      9. Describe Kant’s influence on Protestantism.

Take the quiz by Saturday night, 11:59 p.m. Eastern Time. The quiz is a closed book/closed notes essay quiz. Answer the question as completely as possible.


Week 2 The Existence of God Part 2


Read Ott, Book One: The Unity and Trinity of God, Part I: The Unity of God: His Existence and Nature, Section 1, The Existence of God, Chapter 2 

Read and/or listen to the content of Lesson 2 in the Week 2 Lesson.

Work on the Review Questions.

1. Explain the two things that supernatural revelation does.

2. Can one person, at the same time, have knowledge of and faith in God? Explain.

Take the quiz by Saturday night, 11:59 p.m. Eastern Time. The quiz is a closed book/closed notes essay quiz. Be sure to answer the question as completely as possible.


Week 3 The Nature of God Part 1


Read Ott, Book One: The Unity and Trinity of God, Part I: The Unity Of God: His Existence and Nature, Section 2, The Nature of God, Chapter 1

Read and watch the content of Lesson 3 in the Week 3 Lesson.

Work on the Review Questions.

1. How does mediate natural knowledge enable us to know about God?

2. How does analogical natural knowledge enable us to know about God?

3. Explain ontologism.

4. Pseudo-Dionysius the Areopagite mentioned three ways we attain the natural knowledge of God. Itemize and explain them.

5. What is the object and supernatural character of the immediate vision of God.

6. Is the Light of Glory necessary to see the immediate vision of God. Explain the Light of Glory.

7. How do we distinguish the knowledge of faith and the natural knowledge of God?


Take the quiz by Saturday night, 11:59 p.m. Eastern Time. The quiz is a closed book/closed notes essay quiz. Be sure to answer the question as completely as possible.



Week 4 The Nature of God Part 2


Read Ott, Book One: The Unity and Trinity of God, Part I: The Unity Of God: His Existence and Nature, Section 2, The Nature of God, Chapter 2

Read and/or listen to the content of Lesson 4 in the Week 4 Lesson.

Work on the Review Questions.

1. Itemize and explain he Holy Names of the Old Testament, and how they can be grouped.

2. Explain why Yahweh is the proper name of God.

3. Describe the Nominalist, Scotists, and many Thomists understandings of the metaphysical nature of God, and why they are incorrect or inadequate.

4. Describe the opinion of the metaphysical nature of God best founded in Scripture and Tradition, and why it is accepted by many theologians.

5. What is wrong with Hermann Schell's understanding of aseity.

6. Describe Subsistent Being Itself in subsections c, d, and e of Foundations.


Post by Thursday night, 11:59 p.m. Eastern Time. The post topic is to discuss the correct understanding of the metaphysical essence of God.

Respond to the Posts of ONLY two other students by Saturday night, 11:59 p.m. Eastern Time.


Lecture 4: The Nature of God, Part 2

From Dr. Ludwig Ott and Dr. Robert Fastiggi, Fundamentals of Catholic Dogma, 2018.

Book One: The Doctrine of the Unity and Trinity of God

Part I: The Teaching of God’s Essential Unity

Section 2: The Nature God

Chapter 2: The Theological Determination of the Nature of God


Week 5 The Attributes and Qualities of God Part 1


Read Ott, Book One: The Unity and Trinity of God, Introduction and Part I: The Unity Of God: His Existence and Nature, Section 3, The Attributes of Qualities of God, Introduction and Chapter 1

Read and/or listen to the content of Lesson 5 in the Week 5 Lesson.

Review Questions

1. Explain the De fide statement: God is immense or absolutely immeasurable. 

2. Explain God's Omnipresence.

3. Differentiate between eternity and aeveternity.

4. Define attributes of God.

5. Differentiate between mutability and immutability. What is God's Immutability?

6. Explain God's goodness.

Take the quiz by Saturday night, 11:59 p.m. Eastern Time. The quiz is a closed book closed notes essay quiz. Answer the question as completely as possible.



Work on the Review Questions

Review Questions

1. What does the De fide statement that God's knowledge is infinite mean according to Ott?

2. Explain the relationship between the Divine will and physical and moral evil.

3. Ott explains that "The dogma of human freedom is not abrogated by the dogma of the infallible certainty of the divine prevision for future free actions. What does this mean?

4. Ott states that the primary and formal object of divine knowledge is God Himself. Explain that statement.

5. What are the affections of God and how do they relate to His volition?

6. Explain the De fide statement that God loves Himself of necessity, but loves and wills the creation of extra-divine beings, on the other hand, with freedom.

7. Explain this sentence: His power is identical with His essence, nothing can be implied that contradicts the essence and the attributes of God.


Week 7 Dogmatic Formulation and Positive Foundation of the Dogma of the Trinity Part 1

Read Ott, Book One: The Unity and Trinity of God, Part 2: The Doctrine of the Triune God, Section 1, Dogmatic Formulation and Positive Foundation of the Dogma of the Trinity, Chapter 1.

Read and/or listen to the content of Lesson 7.

Work on the Review Questions

1. Itemize and describe the two major divisions in Monarchianism.

2. Itemize and describe the major points in Subordinationism.

3. Itemize and describe the major types of Tritheism.

4. Why is it important to know that Essence, Nature, and Substance refer to Divine Being?

Post by Thursday night, 11:59 p.m. Eastern Time.

The post topic is the heresy of Subordinationism.

Post a substantive response to the posts of ONLY two other students by Saturday night, 11:59 p.m. Eastern Time.


Week 8 Dogmatic Formulation and Positive Foundation of the Dogma of the Trinity Part 2

Read Ott, Book One: The Unity and Trinity of God, Part 2: The Doctrine of the Triune God, Section 1, Dogmatic Formulation and Positive Foundation of the Dogma of the Trinity, Chapter 2.

Read and/or listen to the content of Lesson 8.

Work on the Review Questions

Review Questions

1. Give three examples of how we explain the "proof" of the existence of the Trinity in the Old Testament.

2. Give three examples of how we explain the proof of the existence of the Trinity in the New Testament.

3. Give three examples of how we explain the proof of the existence of the Trinity in Tradition.

Take the quiz by Saturday 11:59 PM. The quiz is a closed book/closed notes essay quiz.



Week 9 Dogmatic Formulation and Positive Foundation of the Dogma of the Trinity Part 3


Read Ott, Book One: The Unity and Trinity of God, Part 2: The Doctrine of the Triune God, Section 1, Dogmatic Formulation and Positive Foundation of the Dogma of the Trinity, Chapter 3.

Read and/or listen to the content of Lesson 9.

Take the quiz on Chapter 3 by Saturday night, 11:59 p.m. Eastern Time.. The quiz is a closed book/closed notes essay quiz. Answer the question as completely as possible.



1. Define processions and differentiate between internal and external processions.

2. Which is the subject of the internal processions - the Persons or the Divine Nature? Explain.

3. Describe in detail what is meant by the procession of the Son.

4. Describe in detail what is meant by the procession of the Holy Spirit.

5. Explain why the Father does not process.


Week 10 Speculative Explanation of the Dogma of the Trinity Part 1

Read Ott, Book One: The Unity and Trinity of God, Part 2: The Doctrine of the Triune God, Section 2, Speculative Explanation of the Dogma of the Trinity Chapter 1

Read and/or listen to the content of Lesson 10.

Work on the Review Questions

Review Questions

1. Differentiate between internal and external processions.

2. Define and differentiate between generation and spiration. Which divine Persons are "processed"?

Take the quiz by Saturday night, 11:59 p.m. The quiz is a closed book closed notes essay quiz.


Week 11 Speculative Explanation of the Dogma of the Trinity Part 2

Week 11 One and Triune God

Read Ott, Book One: The Unity and Trinity of God, Part 2: The Doctrine of the Triune God, Section 2, Speculative Explanation of the Dogma of the Trinity, Chapter 2

Read and/or listen to Lecture 11 in the Week 11 Lesson

Work on the Review Questions

Review Questions:

1. Describe the four real relations in the Trinity.

2. Describe the two processions.

3. Why is opposition of relationship an important concept?

4. Define mission. Make distinctions between visible and invisible ones.

5. Describe the appropriations and explain them.

6. Define and describe the notions.

7. What is the heresy of Tritheism?

8. Define and explain perichoresis. How does it differ between the Greek and Latin Church?

Take the quiz by Saturday night, 11:59 p.m. The quiz is a closed book closed notes essay quiz.

Week 12 Speculative Explanation of the Dogma of the Trinity Part 3


Read Fr. John Hardon, S.J., Catholic Doctrine on the Holy Trinity, at

Read and/or listen to the content of Lesson 12.


Work on the Review Questions

Review Questions

1. What do we mean when we say the dogma of the Trinity can only be known through divine revelation?

2. Can natural reason reach a full understanding of the dogma of the Trinity after revelation? Explain.

3. In what way can reason enlightened by faith apprehend and represent the dogmatic truth of the Trinity?

Take the quiz by Saturday night, 11:59 p.m. Eastern Time. The quiz is a closed book closed notes essay quiz.



Week 13  Fr. Kenneth Baker Part 1


Read the Catechism of the Catholic Church, Part One, Section Two at, as review.


Work on the Final Exam Review Questions found at the bottom of the of syllabus.


Week 14 Fr. Kenneth Baker Part 2

Go to the Dashboard to see if I have added any information that is pertinent!

Read the Catechism of the Catholic Church, Part One, Section Two at, as review.

Work on the Final Exam Review Questions found at the bottom of the syllabus.


Week 15 Final Examination

Take the final exam by Friday evening at 11:00 PM.



One and Triune Study Questions for Final Exam

1. Itemize and describe Scriptural proof for knowing of God’s existence.
2. Itemize and describe the proof from Tradition for the existence of God.
3. Itemize and explain errors regarding the natural knowledge of God.
4. What are the primary and secondary objects of the immediate vision of God? Explain them.
5. Explain the supernatural character of the immediate vision of God and the necessity of the
Light of Glory.
6. Itemize and explain God’s names.
7. Describe how the divine attributes are classified.
8. Select one attribute of the Divine Being and describe it.
9. Itemize the attributes of the Divine Life as regards divine knowledge or knowing, Select one
aspect of divine knowledge or knowing and describe it.
10. Itemize the attributes of the Divine Life as regards divine willing, Select one aspect of divine
willing and describe it.
11. Itemize and describe the physical properties of the divine will.
12. Itemize and describe the moral attributes of God’s will.
13. Itemize four categories of heretical counter-propositions to the Dogma of the Trinity.  From
each, briefly describe one heresy.
14. Explain this sentence from Ott: The terms “Essence, Nature, Substance,” refer to the Divine
“Being” which is the same for the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, while the terms
“Hypostasis and Person” refer to the three Possessors or Bearers of the Divine Being.
15. Itemize and describe three indicators of the Tri-Personal God in the Old Testament.
16. Itemize and describe three indicators of the Trinitarian Formulae in the New Testament
17. Compare the Fatherhood of God, as described in the New Testament, in a derived, and in a
true and proper sense.
18. Describe the Johannine doctrine of the Logos.
19. Describe the Pauline doctrine of the likeness of Christ’s image with God.
20. Describe the New Testament teaching concerning God the Holy Spirit.
21. Describe the New Testament doctrine of the numerical unity of the divine nature in the three

22. Concerning the Tradition of the Trinity, describe EITHER testimonies from the liturgy of the
ancient Church, the Anti-Nicene Fathers, or the Post-Nicene Fathers.
23. Explain the procession of the Son from the Father, and of the Holy Spirit from the Father and
the Son. Differentiate between internal and external procession, and between generation
and spiration.
24. Explain this sentence from Ott: Thus the generation of the Son from the Father is to be
conceived purely as an intellectual generation or as an act of intellect.
25. Explain the positive reason of the Second Person being called the Word of God in Scripture
26. Explain this sentence from Ott: Thus the generation of the Son from the Father is to be
conceived purely as an intellectual generation or as an act of intellect.
27. Explain this sentence quoted in Ott: The Holy Spirit proceeds from the will or from the mutual love of the Father and of the Son.
28. Itemize and describe names of the Holy Spirit.
29. Define the concept of relation. Itemize and describe the four real relations in God, and which
three of them are really distinct relations in God?
30. What is the relation of the Trinitarian relations to the Divine Essence.
31. Define hypostasis and person. How does this tie to the ratio of the relations between the
32. Express and explain the Fundamental Principle of the Trinity.
33. Itemize, define, and describe the divine personal properties.
34. Itemize, define, and describe the divine notions.
35. Define and explain the Trinitarian Perichoresis (or Circuminscession).
36. Explain this sentence from Ott: All the ad extra activities of God are common to the Three
37. Define and explain the appropriations. Itemize the four types of appropriations.
38. Define Divine Mission. Differentiate between visible and invisible missions. Describe the two
Divine Missions. Include who sends and who is sent, who does not send, and who is not
39. Explain this sentence from Ott: The Trinity of God can only be known through Divine
40. Explain this sentence from Ott: Natural reason, even after revelation, is not capable of
reaching a full understanding of the dogma of the Holy Trinity.


Supplemental Reading for One and Triune God

Baker, S.J., Kenneth. Fundamentals of Catholicism, Volume 1. (Sections of Part

Pope Benedict XVI Reflects on the Mystery of the Trinity at

de Margerie, S.J., Bertrand. The Christian Trinity in History. Petersham, MA: St.
Bede’s Publications, 1982.

Emery, O.P., Gilles. The Trinity: An Introduction to the Catholic Doctrine on the
Triune God (Thomistic Ressourcement). Washington, D.C.: Catholic University
Press. 2011.

John Paul II. God, Father and Creator: A Catechesis on the Creed, Volume 1.
Boston: Pauline Books & Media, 1996.
Ratzinger, Joseph (Pope Benedict XVI), The God of Jesus Christ: Meditations on
the Triune God. San Francisco, CA, 2008.

Vatican Council I, Dogmatic Constitution on the Catholic Faith at



Questions you should be able to answer by the end of the course:


Can natural reason reach a full understanding of the dogma of the Trinity after revelation? Explain.



Can one person, at the same time, have knowledge of and faith in God? Explain your answer.



Compare the Fatherhood of God, as described in the New Testament, in a derived, and in a true and proper sense.


Concerning the Tradition of the Trinity, describe EITHER testimonies from the liturgy of the ancient Church, the Anti-Nicene Fathers, or the Post-Nicene Fathers.


Define and explain the appropriations. Itemize the four types of appropriations.



Define and explain the Trinitarian Perichoresis (or Circuminscession).



Define Divine Mission. Differentiate between visible and invisible missions. Describe the two Divine Missions. Include who sends and who is sent, who does not send, and who is not sent.



Define hypostasis and person. How does this tie to the ratio of the relations between the Persons.



Define procession and differentiate between procession from the intellect and from the will?



Define procession and differentiate between procession from the intellect and from the will?


Define the attributes of God.


Define the concept of relation. Itemize and describe the four real relations in God, and which three of them are really distinct relations in God?



Describe how Pope Pius X’s Anti-Modernist Oath extended information on the natural knowability of God from that stated in the Vatican Council I document.


Describe how the divine attributes are classified.



Describe the Johannine doctrine of the Logos.


Describe the New Testament doctrine of the numerical unity of the divine nature in the three Persons.


Describe the New Testament teaching concerning God the Holy Spirit.


Describe the Pauline doctrine of the likeness of Christ’s image with God.


Describe the procession of the Holy Spirit from the Father and the Son as from a single principle and through a single spiration.



Describe two errors regarding the natural knowability of God.


Differentiate between eternity and aeveternity.


Differentiate between internal and external processions.


Differentiate between internal and external processions.


Differentiate between mutability and immutability. What is God's Immutability.


Differentiate between spiration and generation. Which Divine Persons are "processed"?


Differentiate between active and passive processions.


Distinguish between the kinds of atheism that Ott itemized.


Explain God' goodness.


Explain God's omnipresence.


Explain ontologism.


Explain the De fide statement that God loves Himself of necessity but loves and wills the creation of extra-divine beings, on the other hand, with freedom.


Explain the De fide statement: God is immense or absolutely immeasurable. 


Explain the positive reason of the Second Person being called the Word of God in Scripture


Explain the procession of the Son from the Father, and of the Holy Spirit from the Father and the Son. Differentiate between internal and external procession, and between generation and spiration.


Explain the relationship between the Divine will and physical and moral evil.



Explain the relationship between the Divine will and physical and moral evil.



Explain the supernatural character of the immediate vision of God and the necessity of the Light of Glory.


Explain this sentence from Ott: All the ad extra activities of God are common to the Three Persons.


Explain this sentence from Ott: Natural reason, even after revelation, is not capable of reaching a full understanding of the dogma of the Holy Trinity.



Explain this sentence from Ott: The terms “Essence, Nature, Substance,” refer to the Divine “Being” which is the same for the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, while the terms “Hypostasis and Person” refer to the three Possessors or Bearers of the Divine Being.



Explain this sentence from Ott: The Trinity of God can only be known through Divine Revelation.



Explain this sentence from Ott: Thus the generation of the Son from the Father is to be conceived purely as an intellectual generation or as an act of intellect.


Explain this sentence from Ott: Thus the generation of the Son from the Father is to be conceived purely as an intellectual generation or as an act of intellect.


Explain this sentence quoted in Ott: The Holy Spirit proceeds from the will or from the mutual love of the Father and of the Son.


Explain this sentence: His power is identical with His essence, nothing can be implied that contradicts the essence and the attributes of God.



Explain this statement: God's existence is an object of natural rational knowledge and an object of supernatural faith.


Explain why the Trinity of God can only be known through Divine Revelation.


Express and explain the Fundamental Principle of the Trinity.



Give three examples of how we explain the proof of the existence of the Trinity in the New Testament.



Give three examples of how we explain the proof of the existence of the Trinity in the Old Testament?



Give three examples of how we explain the proof of the existence of the Trinity in Tradition.



How do we distinguish the knowledge of faith and the natural knowledge of God?


How does analogical natural knowledge enable us to know about God?


How does mediate natural knowledge enable us to know about God?


How does supernatural revelation convey knowledge of God's existence?



How does supernatural revelation convey knowledge of God's existence?


In what way can reason enlightened by faith apprehend and represent the dogmatic truth of the Trinity?


Is the Light of Glory necessary to see the immediate vision of God. Explain the Light of Glory.


Itemize and describe names of the Holy Spirit.


Itemize and describe Scriptural proof for knowing of God’s existence.


Itemize and describe the five important points about the natural knowability of God according to Vatican Council I.


Itemize and describe the moral attributes of God’s will.


Itemize and describe the physical properties of the divine will.


Itemize and describe the proof from Tradition for the existence of God.



Itemize and describe the testimony from Tradition for the proof of the natural knowability of God. Distinguish between the approach of the Eastern and Western Fathers.



Itemize and describe three indicators of the Tri-Personal God in the Old Testament.


Itemize and describe three indicators of the Trinitarian Formulae in the New Testament


Itemize and explain errors regarding the natural knowledge of God.


Itemize and explain God’s names.


Itemize four categories of heretical counterpropositions to the Dogma of the Trinity. From each, briefly describe one heresy.


Itemize the attributes of the divine being as regards divine knowledge or knowing. Select one aspect of divine knowledge or knowing and describe it.



Itemize the attributes of the divine being as regards divine willing. Select one aspect of divine willing and describe it.



Itemize, define, and describe the divine notions.



Itemize, define, and describe the divine personal properties.


Ott explains that "The dogma of human freedom is not abrogated by the dogma of the infallible certainty of the divine prevision for future free actions. What does this mean?


Ott states that the primary and formal object of divine knowledge is God Himself. Explain that statement.


Select one attribute of the divine life and describe it.


Summarize three points from the Pope Francis assignment.


What are the affections of God and how do they relate to His volition?


What are the primary and secondary objects of the immediate vision of God? Explain them.



What do we mean when we say the dogma of the Trinity can only be known through divine revelation?



What does Hebrews 11:6 mean when the author states that “faith in God’s existence is an indispensable condition of salvation.”?



What does the De fide statement that God's knowledge is infinite mean according to Ott?



What is the object and supernatural character of the immediate vision of God?



What is the relation of the Trinitarian relations to the Divine Essence.






Technology Requirements: 

The course is offered asynchronously on our LMS, NEO.  To access the course and complete it successfully, you will need an internet capable device with sound and a current internet browser: either the current or the previous release of Chrome, Firefox and Safari, or Internet Explorer 11+ (for Windows 8 and previous versions), and Microsoft Edge (for Windows 10+) to run the LMS.  In addition, courses require the use of, a PDF viewer, word-processing software compatible with Microsoft Office suite and a current email address. For help with the NEO platform see the Help Center in the LMS, found by clicking on the “?” in the upper right hand corner after you have logged in.  For log in questions, registration questions, or problems with missing content or content malfunctions, contact the teaching assistant, Elizabeth Froula at [email protected].

Proprietary Interest Policy:

Faculty are permitted to refer to notable past work and achievements (including publications and educational activities not offered by Pontifex University, and even those offered for personal profit) in their published biography on the Pontifex website and course promotions. In the context of educational activities undertaken for Pontifex University, including videos, live or recorded, teachers, can recommend or bring to the attention such work for students (even if for personal profit, for example, books or podcasts) but only with approval by Pontifex University and when it is related to the teaching purpose of the class.  An instructor’s related work will be noted in the syllabus as appropriate.  Instructors may use their own materials as required in their courses and learning events as long as the materials are appropriate for the particular learning event.


Failure to comply with this policy will result in a warning or administration modification of course materials. Violations of this policy should be reported to the Provost.


Here is the class outline:

1. Week 1 The Existence of God Part 1

7 days

Lecture 1: The Natural Knowability of the Existence of God From Dr. Ludwig Ott and Dr. Robert Fastiggi, Fundamentals of Catholic Dogma, 2018.

2. Week 2: The Existence of God, Part 2

Lecture 2: The Existence of God, Part 2 From Dr. Ludwig Ott and Dr. Robert Fastiggi, Fundamentals of Catholic Dogma, 2018. Book One: The Doctrine of the Unity and Trinity of God Part I: The Teaching of God’s Essential Unity Section 1: The Existence of God Chapter 2: The Supernatural Knowability of the Existence of God

3. Week 3: The Nature of God, Part 1

Ott, Fundamentals of Catholic Dogma, Ch. 1 '...Ott begins this chapter with an important point. To know something exists, you have to know something about it. This is true of God too. He writes, “…in the natural knowledge of the existence of God there is always a certain Knowledge of His Nature.” So when we consider the proofs of God, each addresses perfection of God’s nature.'

4. Week 4: The Nature of God, Part 2

The Nature of God, Continued Lecture 4: The Nature of God, Part 2 From Dr. Ludwig Ott and Dr. Robert Fastiggi, Fundamentals of Catholic Dogma, 2018. Book One: The Doctrine of the Unity and Trinity of God Part I: The Teaching of God’s Essential Unity Section 2: The Nature God Chapter 2: The Theological Determination of the Nature of God

5. Week 5: The Attributes and Qualities of God, Part 1

Lecture 5: The Attributes or Qualities of God, Part 1 From Dr. Ludwig Ott and Dr. Robert Fastiggi, Fundamentals of Catholic Dogma, 2018. Book One: The Doctrine of the Unity and Trinity of God Part I: The Teaching of God’s Essential Unity Section 3: The Attributes or Qualities of God

6. Week 6: The Attributes and Qualities of God, Part 2

Read Ott, Book One: The Unity and Trinity of God, Part I: The Unity of God: His Existence and Nature, Section 3, The Attributes of Qualities of God, Chapter 2

7. Week 7: Dogmatic Formulation and Positive Foundation of the Dogma of the Trinity, Part 1

Read Ott, Book One: The Unity and Trinity of God, Part 2: The Doctrine of the Triune God, Section 1, Dogmatic Formulation and Positive Foundation of the Dogma of the Trinity, Chapter 1.

8. Week 8: "Dogmatic Formulation and Positive Foundation of the Dogma of the Trinity", pt. II

Read Ott, Book One: The Unity and Trinity of God, Part 2: The Doctrine of the Triune God, Section 1, Dogmatic Formulation and Positive Foundation of the Dogma of the Trinity, Chapter 2.

9. Week 9: Dogmatic Formulation and Positive Foundation of the Dogma of the Trinity, Part 3

Read Ott, Book One: The Unity and Trinity of God, Part 3: The Doctrine of the Triune God, Section 1, Dogmatic Formulation and Positive Foundation of the Dogma of the Trinity, Chapter 3.

10. Week 10: Speculative Explanation of the Dogma of the Trinity, part 1

Read Ott, Book One: The Unity and Trinity of God, Part 2: The Doctrine of the Triune God, Section 2, Speculative Explanation of the Dogma of the Trinity Chapter 1

11. Week 11: Speculative Explanation of the Dogma of the Trinity, part 2

Read Ott, Book One: The Unity and Trinity of God, Part 2: The Doctrine of the Triune God, Section 2, Speculative Explanation of the Dogma of the Trinity, Chapter 2

12. Week 12: Speculative Explanation of the Dogma of the Trinity, part 3

Read Fr. John Hardon, S.J., Catholic Doctrine on the Holy Trinity, at Week 12 of One and Triune God. Read along with me as we start with Chapter Three, The Relation of the Trinity to Reason, on page 83.

13. Week 13: Fr. Kenneth Baker, part 1

Check your email to see if I have added any information that is pertinent! See links in class notes for reading.

14. Week 14: Fr. Kenneth Baker, part 2

Check your email to see if I have added any information that is pertinent! Please see links provided in class notes.

15. Week 15: FINAL EXAM Questions to Know

Please see final exam questions and expectations attached.

16. Supplemental Reading and Expectations Beyond the Curriculum

See attached.

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