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Certificate of Liturgy and Culture

THE 513 The Bible and the Liturgy (3 credits; 12.8 CEUs)

Rev. Sebastian Carnazzo , PhD
Purchase for $900

THE 513 The Bible and the Liturgy 







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Pontifex University Course: Liturgy and Sacraments-3 Payments of $300/month


The Bible and the Liturgy  

Pontifex University

Rev. Sebastian A. Carnazzo, PhD



This course examines the Christian Faith, with a special emphasis on the Sacraments and their biblical background. Through a careful study of the Bible, Catechism, and early Church artwork, architecture, and liturgy, students grow dramatically in their appreciation of the Faith and its rich biblical background and are given the knowledge, tools, and confidence to employ the Bible as the major tool in future catechetical endeavors.



By the end of this course the students will be able to discuss the biblical background of the seven Sacraments.



  • A Catholic Bible

  • Catechism of the Catholic Church

  • Jean Danielou, The Bible and the Liturgy (Notre Dame, IN: Notre Dame University, 1956).

  • Robin Jensen, Baptismal Imagery in Early Christianity: Ritual, Visual, and Theological Dimensions (Grand Rapids, MI: Baker, 2012).


  • Scott Hahn. A Father Who Keeps His Promises: God’s Covenant Love in Scripture (Cincinnati, OH: St. Anthony Messenger Press, 1998).

  • RSV CE, Ignatius Press, 2nd Edition, hardcover or leatherette.

  • Joseph Ratzinger, Spirit of the Liturgy, 2nd Ed. (San Francisco, CA: Ignatius Press, 2014).


    This course is offered asynchronously on our LMS, NEO.  To access the course and complete it successfully, you will need an internet capable device with sound and a current internet browser: either the current or the previous release of Chrome, Firefox and Safari, or Internet Explorer 11+ (for Windows 8 and previous versions), and Microsoft Edge (for Windows 10+) to run the LMS.  In addition, courses require the use of, a PDF viewer, word-processing software compatible with Microsoft Office suite and a current email address. For help with the NEO platform see the Help Center in the LMS, found by clicking on the “?” in the upper right hand corner after you have logged in.  For log in questions, registration questions, or problems with missing content or content malfunctions, contact the teaching assistant, Elizabeth Froula at


Lesson 1:

By the end of this lesson the student will be able to discuss Liturgical Catechesis.

  • Introduction to Biblical
  • Liturgical Catechesis: Danielou 3-34


Lesson 2: 

By the end of this lesson the student will be able to discuss the Bible as it relates to the Catechism of the Catholic Church.

  • Revelation and the Bible: CCC 1-184


Lesson 3:

By the end of this lesson the student will be able to discuss Salvation History in the Old and New Testament.

  • Salvation History in the OT and NT: Hahn, CCC 185-1065


Lesson 4: 

By the end of this lesson the student will be able to discuss the Festal Cycle of Israel.

  • Festal Cycle of Israel in the Bible and Early Church: Danielou 222-347


Lesson 5:

By the end of this lesson the student will be able to discuss the biblical background of the sacrament of Baptism.

  • Baptism: CCC 1066-1284, Danielou 35-113, Jensen 1-90


Lesson 6:

By the end of this lesson the student will be able to discuss the biblical background of the sacrament of Confirmation.

  • Confirmation: CCC 1285-1321, Danielou 114-126, Jensen 91-213


Lesson 7:

By the end of this lesson the student will be able to discuss the biblical background of the sacrament of the Eucharist.

  • Eucharist in OT and NT: CCC 1322-1419, Danielou 127-190


Lesson 8:

By the end of this lesson the student will be able to discuss the biblical background of the sacraments of Reconciliation and Anointing of the Sick.

  • Reconciliation: CCC 1420-1498, Danielou 208-221
  • Anointing of Sick, Viaticum, Sacramentals and Funerals: CCC 1499-1532, 1667-1690


Lesson 9:

By the end of this lesson the student will be able to discuss the biblical background of the sacrament of Matrimony.

  • Matrimony: CCC 1533-1535, 1601-1666, Danielou 191-207


Lesson 10:



Lesson 11:

By the end of this lesson the student will be able to discuss the biblical background of the sacrament of Holy Orders.

  • Religious Celibacy: CCC 915, 1579, 1599, 2399, 1580
  • Holy Orders: CCC 1536-1600
  • Role of the Bishop of Rome: OT Types and NT fulfillment: CCC 874-896 11.


Lesson 12:

By the end of this lesson the student will be able to discuss the typology of Mary in the Old and New Testament.

  • Mary—OT types and NT fulfillments: CCC 721-726


Lesson 13:

By the end of this lesson the student will be able to discuss the biblical background of the Church.

  • The Church: CCC748 – 870


Lesson 14:

By the end of this lesson the student will be able to discuss the biblical background of public and private prayer.

  • Public and Private Prayer Life: CCC1066 -1209, 2558 – 2865 14.Salvation: CCC 1691 – 1748


Lesson 15:

By the end of this lesson the student will be able to discuss Salvation as defined in the Catechism of the Catholic Church.

  • CCC 1691-1748


Lesson 16:

By the end of this lesson the student will be able to discuss the role of art and the sacraments of the Church.

  • Art Discussion.


Lesson 17:

Review of the course.


Lesson 18:

Final exam study guide



There are two exams for the course. The first exam is a midterm. The second exam is a comprehensive final. The format for both exams is subjective short essay. The students will be allowed 3 hours to complete each exam. Both exams are open bible but not open notes. The students may use, however, any notes that are written in their bibles so notes should be taken carefully throughout the semester.



The student’s course grade is based on the Midterm score (50%) and Final score (50%).



Faculty are permitted to refer to notable past work and achievements (including publications and educational activities not offered by Pontifex University, and even those offered for personal profit) in their published biography on the Pontifex website and course promotions. In the context of educational activities undertaken for Pontifex University, including videos, live or recorded, teachers, can recommend or bring to the attention such work for students (even if for personal profit, for example, books or podcasts) but only with approval by Pontifex University and when it is related to the teaching purpose of the class.  An instructor’s related work will be noted in the syllabus as appropriate.  Instructors may use their own materials as required in their courses and learning events as long as the materials are appropriate for the particular learning event.


Failure to comply with this policy will result in a warning or administration modification of course materials. Violations of this policy should be reported to the Provost.

Here is the class outline:

1. A Biblical Catechesis

Lesson 1

2. Revelation and the Bible: CCC1-184

Lesson 2

3. Salvation History in the OT and NT: Hahn, CCC 185-1065

Lesson 3

4. Festal Cycle of Israel in the Bible and Early Church: Danielou 222-347

Lesson 4

5. Baptism: CCC1066-1284, Danielou 35-113, Jensen 1-90

Lesson 5

6. Confirmation: CCC 1285-1321, Danielou 114-126, Jensen 91-213

Lesson 6

7. Eucharistin OT and NT: CCC 1322-1419, Danielou 127-190

Lesson 7

8. Reconciliation: CCC1420-1498, Danielou 208-221 Anointing of Sick, Viaticum ...

Lesson 8

9. Matrimony: CCC 1533-1535, 1601-1666, Danielou 191-207 Religious Celibacy: CCC 915, 1579 ..

Lesson 9

10. Midterm

Midterm Exam

11. Holy Orders: CCC 1536-1600 Role of the Bishop of Rome: OT Types and NT fulfillment: CCC 874-896

Lesson 10

12. Mary—OT types and NT fulfillments: CCC 721-726

Lesson 11

13. The Church: CCC748 – 870

Lesson 12

14. Public and Private Prayer Life: CCC1066 -1209, 2558 – 2865

Lesson 13

15. Salvation: CCC 1691 – 1748

Lesson 14

16. Art Discussion

Lesson 15

17. The Bible and the Liturgy: Recap of the Course

Course review

18. Final Exam Study Guide

Please use this as a study guide for the final exam which is under assignments.

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