PHI 500 The Philosophy of Nature (3 credits; 12.8 CEUs)
Lucy Knouse
The Philosophy of Nature
If you are looking to enroll in the Master's degree in Sacred Arts or to take this course for continuing education units, please complete the application and we will contact you shortly.
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Here is the class outline:
1. Welcome & Introduction to the Philosophical Approach |
2. First principles of accidental change |
3. Substantial change |
4. Primary matter |
5. Substantial Form |
6. Platonic forms |
7. Ancient philosophical accounts of nature |
8. Substances: reductionism and emergentism versus hylomorphism |
9. Elements and the doctrine of "virtual presence" part 1 |
10. Elements and the doctrine of "virtual presence" part 2 |
11. Principles of Causality |
12. Nature |
13. REVIEW! |
14. Quantity and Motion |
15. Scientific Challenges I |
16. Scientific Challenges II |
17. Life I |
18. Life II |
19. The Soul and its powers |
20. Vegetative Life |
21. Vegetative life and cells |
22. Knowledge |
23. Sense Knowledge |
24. Color Realism |
25. Internal Senses |
26. Sense Appetite |
27. The Intellect I |
28. The Intellect II |
29. The Intellect III |
30. The Will I |
31. The Will II |
32. Review |
33. Modern Ideas on Mind and Brain I |
34. Modern Ideas on Mind and Brain II |
35. Immortality and Origin of the Human Soul |
36. Origin of the Human Person |
37. The Origin of Life and of Species |
38. Person and Being I |
39. Person and Being II |
40. Person and Being III |
41. Person and Being IV |
42. SPECIAL TOPIC I - Philosophy and the Artist |
43. SPECIAL TOPIC II - The Creative Imagination |
44. SPECIAL TOPIC III - Health |