Fr. Peter Stravinskas

Director of Education Programs, Pontifex University

Dean of the Faculty of Education

Father Peter StravinskasPh.D., S.T.D., holds doctorates in school administration and theology and has taught in and administered Catholic educational institutions at every level. He is the president of the Catholic Education Foundation, editor of The Catholic Response and The Catholic Educator, as well as the publisher of Newman House Press.

The following are courses taught by Fr. Stravinskas

EDU 510 Perspectives in Educational Philosophy

Effective problem-solving in guidance, teaching, learning, school and community leadership, competencies crucial to helpful communication, instruction, management, inter-personal relations, self-improvement; practice of education and the helping professions as the implementation of an educational philosophy, as applied to Catholic education.

EDU 511 Psychological Foundations of Education 

As a philosophy course chiefly designed to study the nature of human education in light of the philosophical foundations, or first principles, of St. Thomas Aquinas, to do so we will follow the practice of St. Thomas and start the study of our subject matter by defining this generically and specifically— that is, by defining (identifying the genus and species) of that about which are chiefly talking and not chiefly talking by: (1) psychology, (2) foundations, and (3) education.